Artists Deserve Time

Money is important to artists because money buys time. It’s easy to believe that the next grant, teaching position, or opportunity will change everything, but it may not. Most artists I know constantly feel like they can’t get enough time in the studio. And even when they get there, they often find it hard to […]
How To Afford Art School: The Complete Guide

The cost of attendance for art school is pretty high. While the average cost of attendance for a public college is $38,270 per year, the average cost of art school attendance is $70,000+. Cost of attendance isn’t just tuition. It also includes: This article will cover everything you need to know about how to afford […]
Get Paid for Art? Is That Still Possible?

And why did I start Artists Deserve Money? Because I wanted to continue to help artists and to get artists paid. I started this site by sharing what I learned while I was working in education. But at this point, I’m not sure if I am doing anything more than throwing more words onto the […]
The Difference Between Pay As You Earn and Revised Pay As You Earn and Other Scary Stories

Financial aid repayment is confusing, to say the least. I worked in education for over 16 years. For many of those years I was counseling incoming students about financial aid, but I still couldn’t tell you the difference between Pay As You Earn and Revised Pay As You Earn without digging back into my research. […]
Income-Based Repayment for Freelancers

I was a full-time employee when the pandemic started and my Federal loans went into forbearance. My loans are coming out of forbearance in May, along with everyone else. But since the original deadline was at the end of January, I was getting robot calls daily about my student loans. Mostly my loan service provider […]
Personal Financial Stories From an Artist

A year after finishing grad school I walked the four miles home from work each day to save the $2 I would have spent on bus fare. Four years later, I was able to afford a studio apartment in San Francisco. My personal financial stories are a rollercoaster, to say the least. I’ve paid off […]